from wastewater treatment poses significant challenges, including foul odors, environmental hazards, and high disposal costs. Traditional methods are costly and harmful to the environment, highlighting the need for innovative solutions.
The global production of sewage sludge is 45 million dry tons per year, causing pollution, soil degradation, and water contamination
We have succeeded in achieving the difficult equation:
Smart Chemicals: Enhance water extractability and reduce energy consumption.
Volume Reduction: Drying reduces sludge volume by up to 90%, making it easier to transport and store.
Pathogen Reduction: stabilizes organic matter, making sludge safer for disposal or reuse.
Sludge plus leading the way in sustainable sludge management.
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
GI AQUA TECH GmbH Münchener Straße 18-22, 64521 Groß-Gerau / Deutschland
Vertreten durch: Ibrahim Serifoglu Telefon: 06142 79 57 333 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Handelsregister Darmstadt HRB 104001 USt-IdNr: 21 234 00196 Plattform der EU zur außergerichtlichen Online- Streitbeilegung Wir sind weder bereit noch verpflichtet, an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehme.