GI AQUA TECH GmbH - Münchener Straße 18-22, 64521 Groß-Gerau / Germany


Mobile Stations for On-the-Go Waste Water Treatment Solutions

Mobile Stations for On-the-Go Waste Water Treatment Solutions
  • Unique Products
  • It serves more than one human gathering, as it is carried on a car that can be transported from one location to another.
  • You only need to connect the pump to the wastewater collection and treatment tank and pump out the clean, treated water.
  • A fast operation can serve more than one location on the same day.
  • It suits treating wastewater quantities less than 1000 cubic meters/day.

Thus, a health disaster can be transformed into an opportunity. The problem of several small scattered communities can be solved by being protected from diseases resulting from polluted water and enabling the reuse of that water.

Its features facilitate operation, such as a predictive alarm system, built-in water testing equipment, automatic control systems, and remote control. In addition, mobile plants are odorless and hygienic, unlike traditional wastewater treatment plants. In the design process, we focused on optimizing electrical energy consumption.

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Pommernstraße 8,
65428 Rüsselsheim am Main
Vertreten durch: Ibrahim Serifoglu
Telefon: 06142 79 57 333
E-Mail: [email protected]
Darmstadt HRB 104001
USt-IdNr: 21 234 00196
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