GI AQUA TECH GmbH - Münchener Straße 18-22, 64521 Groß-Gerau / Germany

Medium & Large Plants

Medium & Large Plants Large and Medium-Sized Plant Solutions for Advanced Wastewater Treatment. Medium & large wastewater treatment plants.For higher capacities, we have flexible arrangements to achieve maximum power and chemical usage savings with undoubted efficiency. A closed-loop feedback system is introduced to control G-Nano dosages. The plants occupy 80% less land than other plants. […]


Stationary Enhance Efficiency with GI AQUA Stationery and Efficiency-Increasing Stations Stationary & efficiency-increasing stationsThe poor efficiency of the old plants and their inability to treat the increasing quantities of wastewater as a result of population increase is among the fatal health problems in developing countries. Whereas sewage stations were established decades ago to serve a […]


Portable Compact stations are manufactured inside one or more containers, according to the required capacity. Portable Wastewater Treatment Solutions with GI AQUACompact stations are manufactured inside one or more containers, according to the required capacity. Transported to the site where you want to set up a sewage treatment plant, and you don’t need any construction. […]


Mobile Mobile Stations for On-the-Go Waste Water Treatment Solutions Mobile Stations for On-the-Go Waste Water Treatment Solutions Unique Products It serves more than one human gathering, as it is carried on a car that can be transported from one location to another. You only need to connect the pump to the wastewater collection and treatment […]

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Pommernstraße 8,
65428 Rüsselsheim am Main
Vertreten durch: Ibrahim Serifoglu
Telefon: 06142 79 57 333
E-Mail: [email protected]
Darmstadt HRB 104001
USt-IdNr: 21 234 00196
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